In December 2010 after 83 years of hard racing on both coasts and a long series of owner with questionable maintenance practices I motored over the the Koehler Kraft boat yard. My owner was about to start major surgery on my hull to bring me back to my original glory. I was very nervous, I had never been out of the water this long but I had faith in my skipper.
As soon as I came out of the water my skipper started by cutting big holes into my bilge and years of water and debris came pouring out.

Once inside the shed the surgery really began. Steam bent oak frames were replaced from the water line down with laminated Purple Heart. Steel angle frames were replace as original from the waterline down including steel floor plates.

Stem fore keel and horn timber were replace with laminated Purple Heart.

During this re- construction all hull planking was replace and edge glued in place and sealed with epoxy resin. Chain plates and doublers were replace with new fastenings. Planking is fastened with new 316L stainless steel fastenings.

The planking was faired, covered in epoxy and painted.

Auxiliary machinery was replace with new. All though hull fittings and plumbing are new. Main companionway/ skylight trunk replaced with new. Deck seams raked out re-wedged and paid. Spares over hauled and refinished. Standing and running rigging inspected and replaced as needed.

Sally has won the coveted Best Maintained Classic Yacht at SDYC Opening Day Inspection 2014-2017.

For the innocent bystanders here some of the items needed for a 10 meter re-construction project.
A big shed
A pile of Philippine mahogany, purple heart, and assorted wood that would fill a single car garage to the roof.
A barrel of epoxy resin
6000+ screws, nuts, bolts, washers etc
A box of various saw blades
8 cases of latex gloves
Boxes of disposable paint brushes
Boxes of rags
Numerous hand tools to be lost in the battle
A crate of sandpaper
Several dumpster for the old planking and frames
A pile of steel that weighs more than a VW bug
A case of paper paint suits
Many sets of coveralls
Ten pairs of pants
Four cases of rum
One case of whiskey
Two dogs to stand guard and make me stop to play fetch.
A divorce and three girlfriends (only one finally got to go for a sail)
Great friends to help with the 6000+ hours of labor
A five year old son asking “Dad when can we go sailing on Sally again”
A crazy bearded ape that does not give up.